PT. Selaras Anaam Sena

Selaras: A Digital Transformation Company

Digitalization is the process of changing interactions, communications, business functions and business models to become more digital. The goal of digitization is to provide new revenues and provide opportunities to generate new value for businesses. In the current era of the digital revolution, digitization is a must for every company that wants to compete and survive in a dynamic and competitive market.

One company that has successfully carried out digital transformation is Selaras. Selaras is a company engaged in management consulting services and human resources. Selaras has a vision to become a strategic partner for clients in improving organizational performance and productivity through innovative and integrated solutions.

Selaras is committed to digitalization as one of the main pillars in running its business. Selaras realizes that digitalization can help companies improve the efficiency and effectiveness of business processes, expand market reach, improve service quality, and create competitive differentiation.

Selaras has four main areas in digitization, namely:

  1. Digitizing manual work. Selaras has implemented various applications and information systems that can automate and simplify work that was previously done manually, such as administration, reporting, and others. This can save time, costs, and resources, and reduce errors and data discrepancies.
  2. Digitalization of training, competency tests, and certification. Selaras has developed an e-learning platform that can provide quality training for clients and employees online. This platform can also be used to conduct competency tests and certifications online, thereby increasing accessibility, flexibility and credibility for participants. This platform is also equipped with interactive features, such as video, audio, animation, simulations, quizzes, discussion forums, and others.
  3. Digitalization of safety audit monitoring. Selular has used Internet of Things (IoT) technology to monitor work safety at client project sites in real-time. This technology can transmit important data, such as air temperature, humidity, air pressure, noise, air quality, vibration, light, radiation, and others to the Selaras data center. These data are then analyzed and displayed in a dashboard that can be accessed by Selaras clients and employees. This can help to identify potential risks and hazards, as well as provide recommendations for preventive and corrective actions.
  4. Digitalization of work culture. Selaras has created a work culture that supports digital transformation by increasing digital literacy for all employees, providing facilities and incentives for the use of digital technology in daily work, encouraging collaboration and innovation through internal and external digital platforms, and adopting digital values such as customer-centricity, agility, adaptability, transparency, accountability, and continuous learning.

With the digitalization that has been carried out by Selaras, this company has proven that digital transformation is not just a trend or a mere lifestyle. Digital transformation is a must to survive and thrive in this era full of challenges and opportunities. Selaras has shown how digitization can improve their efficiency, productivity and quality of service to customers. They have also adapted quickly and flexibly to market changes and consumer needs. Thus, Selaras serves as an inspirational example for other companies wishing to undertake digital transformation.

Thus this article about Selaras digital transformation. Hopefully useful and add to your insight. If you are interested in knowing more about Selaras and their digital services, please visit their official website at Thanks for reading and see you in the next article.

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